Your Favorites list is a great way to keep track of members you are particularly interested in.
Add to Favorites
To add a member to your Favorites list, click the "Add To Favorites" link on the member's profile.
View Favorites
To view your Favorites, choose "My Favorites" from "Activity" list on member menu.
Delete Favorites
Open your Favorites list, then click "Edit" from the "More" menu (represented by 3 dots). Check the box next to each member you would like to delete, then click "Delete". You can also remove the Favorite by clicking on "Remove From Favorites" on the member's profile.
Add to Favorites
To add a member to your Favorites list, click the "Add To Favorites" link on the member's profile.
View Favorites
To view your Favorites, choose "My Favorites" from "Activity" list on member menu.
Delete Favorites
Open your Favorites list, then click "Edit" from the "More" menu (represented by 3 dots). Check the box next to each member you would like to delete, then click "Delete". You can also remove the Favorite by clicking on "Remove From Favorites" on the member's profile.